Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Manticore XV: Thanatos

Well, 12 days after my last post complaining that we still need alot of people for upcoming Manticore the counter is now at 89 participants. So that's way much better than the 60 we had in the beginning of January.
But it's still 21 less than we had in November last year.
Of course 53 of those 89 still need to pay so I hope they'll do that :-)

Anyway, if we will have less than 110 it'll have proven my point to the board of Oneiros: making membership mandatory in order to allow people to participate is a bad thing! Why am I sure that this will be the reason we might not get enough people? Almost every Manticore (especially since Manticore 11) has been getting more and more positive feedback. Each event resulted in more participants than the event before. Our last event was considered by alot of participants as 'the best ever' (and this was with rain all weekend, mud, cold, ...). So normally I would expect at least as much participants as last event.

But we'll just have to see, won't we? It could also be that my logic is completely flawed :-) and that people will gladly pay 10 euro's extra for the mandatory membership that gives them absolutely NOTHING extra, besides being allowed to participate in our event.

In any case the crew is really anxious to make Manticore XV another fantasic episode. I've reviewed the scenario last friday and it looks great to me. So if you're reading this and you haven't subscribed yet to Manticore XV do so now. Even the extra 10euro that Oneiros wants from you will make it worth.

I'll see you in Mythandir

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