Monday, April 23, 2007

Banapsis location scouting

Yesterday I went on a location scouting for the Banapsis larp.
I found the location using Google Earth's satellite images.
I will of course not say where the scouting took place, but this scouting gave me the feeling that we found a very suitable terrain for Banapsis, it's almost a 2000ha big forest that can be closed for public access.
In the coming weeks I'll check with the landowners if we can use it for Banapsis. I'll post an entry in this blog the moment that I get a confirmation that we can use it.
While wandering through the forest I felt the same feeling I had when I was in the forest of Dragonbane.
So it's now fingers crossed :-)
And here are some pictures of the forest

All pictures © Jeremy Naus

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