Since we will set very high dress code standards for Banapsis it's only natural that we make sure that our npc costumes follow the same standard.
That's why with the Banapsis crew we will make all our npc clothes ourselves. Last Saturday I made the basis of our Elven costume. In the coming weeks I'll keep working on it and I hope that by mid-June it'll be finished so I can post a picture of it here.
Our goal is to have for each faction at least one example costume ready when the website goes online. That way our participants will be able to use those costumes as a guideline when making their own costumes.
While making the Elven costume I also took some pictures on how I made the pattern of the costume using a tshirt, this to make it possible for those with no sewing skills to make a pattern themselves.
So when our website goes online you'll find pictures of costumes and guidelines on how to make them yourself.
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